Latest Treatment of Typhoid Fever

Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever

A sample of the patient's feces and blood is tested to diagnose FIDE. Apart from this, a bone marrow biopsy is also sometimes required. Reports of stool tests may also be negative in the early stage of typhoid fever, so the ancillary tests such as radiographs, CT, and MR are done to detect complications of typhoid fever such as intestinal pathology, abscesses in organs such as bones and liver. Go.

Latest Treatment of Typhoid Fever

Latest Treatment of Typhoid Fever
Antibiotics are given to the patient for the treatment of typhoid fever which is very effective in killing Salmonella bacteria. About 20 percent of people died of typhoid fever before the use of antibiotics. People died due to infection, pneumonia, bleeding in the intestine and perforation of the intestine. But after giving antibiotics to the patient of typhoid fever and taking proper care of it, the number of people who have died from this disease now stands at 1 to 2 percent.

By giving proper antibiotic therapy to the patient, his condition starts to improve within one to two days and he recovers within 7 to 10 days. Many antibiotics are very effective in treating typhoid fever. Chloramphenicol drug has been used for many years to cure typhoid fever because it does not have side effects. Different types of antibiotics are given to the patient for the treatment of typhoid. In most places, typhoid patients are prescribed ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin.

Prevention of Typhoid Fever

Latest Treatment of Typhoid Fever
As we have already told you that typhoid fever is caused by a bacterium called Salmonella which accumulates in contaminated food and water. Therefore, if you take precautions by eating these things, you can also avoid typhoid fever. Let's know what is the prevention of typhoid-

To avoid this disease, people traveling to more risky places should get a typhoid vaccine.

To avoid typhoid, one should drink bottled water or boil water.

This disease can be avoided by eating well-cooked food and hot food. Cold food may contain Salmonella bacteria, so avoid eating them.

Avoid eating chopped or peeled fruits for too long. Remove the peel immediately before eating the fruit, this can prevent you from getting vulnerable to this disease.
Latest Treatment of Typhoid Fever Latest Treatment of Typhoid Fever Reviewed by Healthy worker on August 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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