What Is Yoga?

Benefits Of Yoga
There are many benefits of yoga but we gonna discuss some of them,
1)Yoga has always been used for physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Today's medical researches have proved that yoga is a boon for mankind physically and mentally.
2)Where gymnasium is exercised only from a certain part of the body, it is the exercise of all the parts of the body, glands, by yoga, which makes the body organ functioning smoothly.
3)The practice of yoga increases the power to fight diseases. Even young people can remain young, it shines on the skin, the body becomes healthy, healthy and strong.
4)While on the one hand, Yogasan provides confirmation to the muscles, which makes the lean skinny person strong and powerful, on the other hand, the daily practice of yoga also reduces the fat from the body, thus yoga is beneficial for both agriculture and physical.
5)Regular exercise of yoga asanas leads to good muscle exercise. By removing tension, good sleep, hunger is good, digestion is right.
6)Benefits of Pranayam - Pranayama and meditation are the benefits of Yoga, and Yoga is very beneficial for the body, through pranayama, there is control over the movement of breath and breath, which gives great benefit to the respiratory institution related diseases. Pranayama is very beneficial in diseases like asthma, allergy, endocytosis, old nose, colds and also increases the ability to absorb oxygen lungs from which the body cells get more oxygen which has a positive effect on the whole body.
7)Benefits of Meditation - Meditation is also an important part of yoga. Nowadays meditation is promoting meditation more than our country, today's materialism has increased in the wadi culture due to day-night running, the pressure of work, distrust in relations, etc. Tension has increased. In such a situation, there is nothing better than meditation, meditation removes mental tension and deepens spiritual peace, increases working power, sleep is good. Concentration and perception power of the mind increases.
8)Blood sugar levels decrease with yoga and this. Or also reduces bad cholesterol. Yoga is extremely beneficial for diabetic patients.
9)Some studies have found that due to some yoga and meditation, pain in arthritis, back pain, etc. is greatly improved and the drug genetic need decreases.
10)Yoga increases immunity to the body and reduces your dependence on medicines. It has been proved in many studies that patients with asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes have become completely healthy by yoga.
What is Ashtanga Yoga?
Our Sage Munis have told yoga through the purification of body, mind and life and eight kinds of means to attain the divine, which is called as Ashtanga Yoga.
These are;
What does asanas mean and what are its types?
Asanas means the state of the body in which you can keep your body and mind calm, stable and happy.
Stabhisukhamasanam: The ability to sit happily for the maximum time in one position without suffering is called asana.
According to the tradition of Yoga Shastras, there are eighty-four million postures and all these creatures are based on the names of animals. No one knows about these rugs, hence only eighty-four rugs are considered to be prominent. And currently thirty-two asanas are famous.
Asanas are practiced physically, mentally and spiritually for health benefits and treatment.
The asanas are divided into two groups: -
Dynamic asanas
Static asanas
Dynamic asanas - Asanas in which the body moves with strength.
Static asanas - Asanas in which practice is done in the body with little or no motion.
Importance of yoga
Reviewed by Healthy worker
August 04, 2019
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